Monday, December 9, 2013

Surviving Finals

Everyone knows finals week is a killer. We’re so close to being homework-free for a month. All our hard work throughout the semester has lead up to this point so we’re under a lot of stress. Most students are under the assumption they don’t pass their finals, they fail the course. This isn't necessarily true.

Here are a few tips to help stay stress-free:

  • Take 15 minutes before you start studying or working on your project to clear your mind of everything and just breathe.
  •  Be sure to take 15-30 minute breaks in between studying. You don’t want to work your body and mind to the point you can’t take it anymore. Some people think they have to cram the information in their brains but this can actually backfire.
  •  Don’t put off your projects or studying until the night before they’re due. Do it 2-3 days before. You don’t have to complete it all in one night. Doing a little each night will help it not seem like so much.
  • Rather than staying up super late the night before trying to memorize last minute details, go to bed at a decent time and wake up earlier in the morning to get it done. I know this doesn't sound fun but it's much better than waking up extremely tired from the night before and not remembering anything you've studied. This way you get refreshed right before the test.
  • RELAX. If you’ve studied, you know the information. Don’t second guess yourself.

When finals are over reward yourself in some way. You’ve worked hard the whole semester and you deserve a break. Take time over the break recover so when you go back you feel refreshed and ready to learn. 

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